17.8.2010 - PRESS RELEASE FROM THE BELGIAN WDC MEMBER The World Dance Council have received from their Belgian Member the following Press Release. The loyalty and solidarity with the World Dance Council and the great efforts they make for all dancers whether Professional or Amateur is an example to all who care about their Profession. PRESS RELEASE On Saturday the 14th of August the Belgian Dance Teachers Organisation BULDO, member of WDC, held an extra-ordinary general meeting. In a reaction to the start of an own training and education program, called BDS Ac, by the Belgian Dance Sport Federation BDSF, member of IDSF, the BULDO decided with a very vast majority the following two actions. 1/To start their own ballroom and Latin competitions for amateurs under the WDC Amateur League. 2/That all members who actively support the BDS Ac will loose their membership, and the benefits connected to it, without further notice.